


Education is the process by which a society transmits its accumulated knowledge skills and values from one generation to another. Education must provide the means and opportunities to enhance the child creative expression and the capacity for aesthetic appreciation. Education gives knowledge about the world around us. It makes children capable of interpreting things in the right perspective.


  1. To provide universal access, equity, quality at primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary level.
  2. To evolve curriculum and evaluation procedures in conformity with the values enshrined in the Constitution.
  3. To build the child knowledge, potential talent and develop the child physical and mental abilities to the fullest extent.
  4. To provide a conducive learning environment through learning activities, discovery and exploration in a child friendly and child centered manner.
  5. To make examinations more flexible and integrated in classroom life by implementing continuous and comprehensive evaluation in phases, to remove the anxiety and stress caused by terminal examinations.
Contact Details:
S.No Desgination of the Officer Office Phone No. Email id
1 Chief Educational Officer 04175-224379 ceotvm[at]nic[dot]in
2 District Educational Officer, Tiruvannamalai 04175-232343 deotvm[at]nic[dot]in
3 District Educational Officer, Polur 04181-222299
4 District Educational Officer, Chengam 04188-223182
5 District Educational Officer, Arni 04173-222272
6 District Educational Officer, Cheyyar 04182-220431 deochr[at]nic[dot]in